Symbiosexuality: Unraveling the Mysteries of the New Sexuality

Symbiosexuality, a unique attraction to relationship dynamics rather than individuals. Learn about its characteristics, cultural perspectives, and media representation.

Symbiosexuality is only a relatively new term meant to describe attraction in a very unique way. Whereas the typical models of sexual attractions were directed at individual people, symbiosexuals are attracted to the dynamics in a relationship between two or more people. The attraction is to the energy and connection shared within the relationship, not toward the individuals creating it.

What is Symbiosexuality?

The image depicts three individuals in an outdoor setting with trees and a walking path. In the foreground, two individuals are seated closely on a bench; one has their head resting on the other’s shoulder, suggesting a moment of closeness or comfort. The third individual stands at a distance with their back to the camera, appearing to observe the seated pair.
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The term “symbiosexual” has been coined in a scientific conference; hence, it means those individuals who are romantically and sexually attracted to the relational dynamics between people who are already in a relationship. Symbiosexuals attraction differs from other forms of attraction, such as bisexuality or pansexuality, because it focuses on the relationships themselves, not the individuals.

Characteristics of Symbiosexuals

The image depicts a stylized illustration of a person standing between two larger, silhouette figures. The person in the center is connected to each silhouette by a pink Möbius strip, which symbolizes infinity or continuity. The background is light with small hearts floating around, suggesting a theme of love or connection.
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Symbiosexuals get attracted to the bond and energy that come through in an already established relationship. It is not necessarily about wanting to join or disrupt the relationship but appreciates the dynamics and synergy between the people concerned. They are often drawn to charisma, power, and multi-dimensionality that relationships can exhibit.

Research and Studies

The image depicts a modern laboratory setting with three individuals engaged in various activities. The person in the foreground is seated at a desk with a computer monitor, facing away from the camera, and their face is obscured by pixelation for privacy. In the background, two other individuals are standing at a workbench, appearing to be collaborating on an experiment or technical task; their faces are also pixelated. The environment is filled with equipment and screens, suggesting advanced technological research or data analysis taking place.

In a study led by Seattle University US, the experiences of individuals who identify as symbiosexual were investigated. It is also considered to be an extremely common form of attraction that remains under-acknowledged. The research also found that for those who identify in such a way, symbiosexuality can often be an overwhelming and pervasive experience that stretches beyond convention about desire and sexual orientation. You can Read and Download the study from here.

Cultural Perspectives

The image shows a group of hands joined together in the center of the frame, forming a circle. Each hand has a different flag painted on its wrist or back, representing various countries such as Switzerland, Japan, Ghana, Italy, Turkey, Brazil, Germany, and Belgium. This image visually represents unity and diversity through the symbolic gesture of joined hands from individuals presumably from different nations.

Symbiosexuality is viewed differently across cultures. For example, there are those cultures that view the idea of being attracted to a relationship rather than individuals, which also makes them skeptical of one’s outlook on monogamy and, more generally, on the dynamics of a relationship. There are also cultural barriers to the acceptance of this kind of sexuality because it is an outlier from traditional norms.

Media Representation

The image depicts three individuals sitting closely together on a staircase represent Symbiosexuality. The person in the center appears to be wearing a plaid shirt, while the individual on the left has long hair and is wearing a dark top. The person on the right is wearing a light-colored top and shorts, with bare feet extended towards the camera.

Media representations of symbiosexuality are few but increasing. Most are familiar with symbiosexuality through a DW YouTube video. When portrayed, these relationships oftentimes put a focus on the uniqueness of this attraction, emotional, and relational dynamics rather than physical or sexual aspects. Media may thus importantly influence public understanding and acceptance of symbiosexuality.

Personal Narratives

Three individuals embracing in a group hug, showcasing symbiosexuality, with a blurred urban background.

Many symbiosexuals have shared their experiences. Where they explain how this attraction is to the relationship dynamic and is not toward people as much. By sharing these narratives, an understanding in the broadening of symbiosexuality and insight into how this attraction is felt different from the standard sexual orientations is provided.

Symbiosexuality in Urdu

A person engaging in a conversation, embodying the concept of symbiosexuality by connecting with the energy and dynamics shared between individuals.

Also, in the native Urdu, “symbiosexual” can be translated as “تعلقات سے جنسی کشش رکھنے والا.” This shows the cultural relevance and helps in understanding the concept in a non-Western context. To make it more accessible to those unfamiliar with the use of terms describing Western sexual orientation.

Future Directions

Three individuals discussing symbiosexuality while walking together in an outdoor setting.

Further research in the future on symbiosexuality may be directed toward increasing awareness and understanding of this phenomenon. Other research may extend to explain how individuals can explore more effectively. Their symbiosexual attractions and/or how such attractions may influence personal relationships.

Join the Conversation

What do you think about symbiosexuality? Have you ever felt that an attraction toward the dynamic of a relationship is more interesting to you than the people themselves? We’d love to hear from you!

Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below, and let’s spark a conversation on this unique form of attraction. Your views might help others better understand symbiosexuality, adding further to the discussion on human relationships. Comment now!

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